Timing is Everything

Queen West, East of Euclid  2012

Fog is a Photographers Friend - For the last few days there has been so much fog in Toronto! Brought on by unseasonably warm temperatures mixing with cooling winds or some such other thing a meteorologist would say... Whatever the reason it's been eerie, drifting and full of photographic opportunity. Fog makes almost anything look mysterious, creepy or soft & angelic. 

I happened to luck out and arrive in the right place at the right time today. Two minutes before I shot this there was so much fog the CN Tower wasn't visible at all, and five minutes after I shot it the fog got misty enough to make for nothing more than a hazy looking mess of a picture. I got all my settings idealized and stood in position waiting for the best seconds to shoot, not knowing when that moment would come. If I'd arrived 10 minutes later I'd have been too late. As an added bonus the sun was out too - making for an unusual weather combination. Unusually beautiful. 

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