Wire Series I 2007
Wire Series IV 2007

Wire Series II 2007
Everything Above the Kitchen Sink - Every once in a while I find myself stuck. All I want to do is take some pictures, but I'm in a situation with limited resources. Whether it's faulty/broken equipment, unpreparedness, new on the spot ideas or an impromptu urge to shoot, sometimes the most ideal or professional equipment isn't available.
It can be frustrating beyond belief, not to mention stressful if you're shooting for a job or at an event that is a one time deal. However, it can be more satisfying to see magic happen in the viewfinder when it's half D.I.Y. project. Equipment shortage is a good thing - one must learn to, how you say, roll with the punches and become more aware of ones surroundings (ohhmmmmmmmm...). Relying too much on the fanciest technology to 'git 'er done' can backfire if you: a) over use it or b) haven't looked at the manual long enough to fully take advantage of said jacked up gizmo.
These images were taken with a fluorescent under-mounted kitchen light and the base of a small lava lamp. I used coloured acetate sheets for filters because I didn't have any actual photo gels on hand. The first two images were shot with acetate over the lights and the last one was taken with an acetate sheet in front of the lens - making for two different looks. The back splash was a brushed silver finish so it ended up working as a sort of soft reflector. Making for a convenient clean-up I shot these scenes suspended over my kitchen sink using invisible tape; all the dripping water just drained away.
Everything outside the frame looked really thrown together, unimpressive & cheap - my Mom was even cooking dinner as I clicked away, but that didn't matter on the contact sheets. I ended up with photos I love to this day. I just wish I still lived in that house so I could take advantage of that ghetto set up again.